Herbal extracts that provide benefits to metabolism and mental state, are compounds and sources of vitamins.
Supplement to the Body from Nature in body defense.

1. It is a blend of herbal extracts that provide benefits to human metabolism and mental state in terms of health, are compounds and sources of vitamins.
2. It is a blend of mineral-rich seeds that are especially rich in omega oils
3. It strengthens the immune system and provides solutions to the person's functional disorders and weak metabolism. It protects, strengthens and energizes the body. It provides spiritual calmness.
4. The energy it gives strengthens the person's sense of confidence. It regulates blood circulation.
5. It has an aphrodisiac effect. It is a mixture to be used by those who want to solve their physical and mental health naturally by spreading it over time, that is, by the good functioning and strengthening of the body and metabolism.
6. It gives the power, energy and desire that those who want to get rid of the deficiencies they see as weaknesses in daily life and be happy in their sexual life can achieve with regular use
7. Instead of a product that is supported by synthetic products that cause heart spasms, substances that increase metabolism and accelerate blood (you can include hot pepper or even ultra-hot peppers like Hungarian pepper), it is a natural assistant, partner and companion for those who want to solve their problems in a problem-free and successful life flow, not instantly and whenever needed, and transform them into the form they desire.
8. Herbal extracts: It is not composed in proportions that will cause negativity, but in proportions that will create a strengthening trend in the flow of metabolism and strengthen the body.
9.The main purpose of the paste is to increase immunity in a way that will strengthen it, to give the body the necessary energy and performance by increasing it, to keep physical strength ready at all times, to accelerate metabolism without straining the systems and without burdening the system, to provide physical and mental functionality, to continue sexual life in the quintet of desire, libido, performance, success and happiness.
10.A product that aims to make the person have the energetic body of a self-sufficient, happy life.
(Note: It is not a medicine. It cannot be used instead of a prescription)
